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Crystal Report 9 Full Crack

카테고리 없음

by tiogasandcred1981 2020. 3. 18. 21:55


=Description:Masbro yang baca Postingan ini pasti tau apa fungsi software ini, softwareini berfungsi untuk pembuatan laporan atau software untuk membantu paraprogramers untuk melengkapi software yang di buatnya. Kalo sayasoftware ini saya gunakan untuk membuat laporan software saya yang sayabuat dari visual basic 6.0 agar lebih mudah dan menghemat waktupembuatan. Semoga membantu bagi yang membutuhkan.

SAP Crystal Reports: BI Essentials for Small and Midsize BusinessesSAP Crystal Reports software is the de facto standard in reporting. With SAP Crystal Reports, you can create powerful, richly formatted, dynamic reports from virtually any data source, delivered in dozens of formats, in up to 24 languages. A robust production reporting tool, SAP Crystal Reports turns almost any data source into interactive, actionable information that can be accessed offline or online, from applications, portals and mobile devices. Flexible report designCreate highly formatted, pixel-perfect reports quickly with SAP Crystal Reports’ intuitive design interface and efficient workflows.

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Mobile interactivityInteractive reports are now available through your mobile devices. Powerful delivery optionsDeliver personalized reports to your business users’ preferred destination in their preferred language and format. Expanded support for Microsoft ExcelXLSX export takes full advantage of the updated Excel file format by allowing more data to be exported to a single worksheet, without spanning multiple worksheets. Broad data connectivityConnect to information sources spread across the organization directly. Data sources include: Native, ODBC, OLE DB, and JDBC connectivity to relational, OLAP, Web services, XML, enterprise data sources, and salesforce.com. Adobe Flex, Adobe Flash and HTML 5 integrationEnable SAP Crystal Reports developers to produce powerful “mash-ups” pulling data from various sources.